Essential Estate Planning Documents Everyone Should Have

Estate planning is a crucial aspect of financial planning for individuals of all ages and income levels. Having the right estate planning documents in place ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, and your loved ones are protected in case of unexpected events. In this blog post, we will outline the essential […]

Behavioral Biases and Other Pitfalls to Beware of

Behavioral Biases

Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman is arguably the world’s leading authority on human decision-making and cognitive biases that exist due to irrational judgement.  As part of his research on the mind, he created a list of the five variables that lead to suboptimal decision-making as follows: A complex problem Incomplete and changing information Changing and competing […]

What is a Roth Conversion and Why Should I do One?

What is a Roth Conversion and Why Should I Do One

Retirement Account Types When saving in a retirement account an investor has two options, to save money pre-tax or Roth. Pre-tax savings result in a tax deduction of the amount contributed each year (assuming you are not over any applicable income limits), tax-deferred growth of the investments, and an income tax bill each year as […]

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